
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all.  May the light of Jesus shine upon you.

We hope that as 2013 draws to a close, that you are able to find yourself in a spot of gratitude and peace.  We have learned much of these two invaluable traits in the past year.  We live by moments, days, weeks, and now years, of trusting that God has plans for us that extend beyond our capacity to understand, and by resting in His care for us. 

This past year has been hard.  It has had highs, and many lows.  Living with someone with a brain injury is very challenging.  We have been adjusting to our new normal as a family.  Often, we are stretched to care for Lydia's many physical, and emotional needs.  She is currently at a spot in her recovery where she is grieving her losses.  Anger is a part of grief, and she struggles with how hard her life is.  And it is hard.  We wish it wasn't, but it truly is.   It is the testing ground of our faith:  Do we trust that God is taking care of us, even when we can't see his work, or understand his plans?   We call out to him regularly.  We seek his grace for each stage of Lydia's recovery.  We ask the Holy Spirit to counsel us, and to comfort us in our sorrowing. 
Thankfully, some days, there is an ease and peace at home that we are all thankful for.
Lydia can laugh at herself, and her smile is genuine and warm.   Good humour can abound!  Lighter days, allow us to catch our breath, and regain our perspective - always on the One who cares for us, and never leaves us. 
We are often asked, “How is Lydia doing?”  “She is doing well for someone who is recovering from a traumatic brain injury” is our standard response.  Or “She has come a long way, and we are so thankful, but she has a very long way to go, too.”  Both of these answers speak to the truth that is ever present in our lives:  we are on a very long journey of recovery with Lydia.  We are thankful for the progress she has made, and we face the future with hope for continued improvements.  We pray daily for more recovery, strength, and rest.  But this weary mother must confess that the journey is long and the path is not well marked.
We do not know what 2014 will hold.  Lydia will continue to work on her therapies and school.   She will keep trying to learn to run, and this winter will see her on the slopes at Chicopee, learning to ski again in Chicopee's assisted skiing program. She is a determined learner; our parental hearts cheer her on when we see the sheer effort she gives towards her recovery. She will keep working on her singing voice, and we will try to sing the journey together, one moment, or hour or day at a time.  May you do the same, whatever your journey may be.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 15:13)