
Thursday, June 27, 2013

As promised, here is Lydia's speech that she gave at her grade 8 graduation in text form. 
I can do anything.  I have learned this truth this past year.  I have been on a hard journey of recovery.  I could have died, but God gave me a second chance to live, and life is a precious gift.  I am doing my best to live fully, to treasure the life that I have been given.   

I want to share the hope that I have.  I want to ignite a flicker of hope in others, reminding them that anything is possible.   

I spent 2 months in a deep coma, at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, where I could not talk, or walk, or even move on my own.  From July until October, I was at Holland Bloorview, a children’s rehab hospital.  In August, when I was at home visiting my family, on my dad’s birthday, I spoke my first sentences.  This past school year, I have spent at home with therapists, teachers and support workers, and I have relearned how to walk, balance, think and communicate.  I am recovering.

Our attitudes are very important.  They shape us.  They have a huge impact on life.  It is important to not face each day with a crummy attitude.  Instead, put on a smile, be thankful, and face each day with hope and strength.   

“Life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it.”  We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control our attitudes. Expect the unexpected - something totally out of the ordinary, and when that happens, you’ll be ready to embrace it, whatever “it” is.

Over the last year, I have gone through many mixed emotions.  There were times at night, when I felt like giving up, but God gave me hope.  In the morning, I awoke with a new perspective, renewed faith, and determination.  When hard times come your way, when the unexpected happens, do not lose hope or give up.  Have faith, a positive attitude and you’ll find strength for each step of your journey.  Thank you for encouraging me in mine.

One last note, before I sign off, possibly for the summer: Lydia and I will be guests on 100 Huntley Street on Wednesday July 10, in the morning.  We will be sharing about our experiences this past year: about a loving and faithful God who can hold us and care for us, in every situation, in every moment.
Until we blog again, remember Romans 12:12:  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.