Lydia has spent the day with her aunt and cousin. Lydia has a new bed, an air bed, and it is much better for her. Although she is turned every two hours, she has developed bed sores from so predominantly being on her back. The air bed will help to cushion her body and prevent more positional bed sores.
Lydia has been very responsive today, has worked hard in her physio sessions, and has been fairly alert. These are all things to celebrate! This morning, we were given a gift of hearing one of Lydia's first sounds. We called her hospital room, and Grandma held the phone to Lydia's ear, while we talked to her and told her about how we loved her. Apparently her eyes were wide open, and then she rasped out her first sound -"aahh". We heard it, and our hearts rejoiced. She has started some speech therapy, but she seems tired every time the speech therapist arrives.
Today, in talking to a friend whose husband is a local firefighter, she shared with us, that to the firefighters who arrived on the scene and found Lydia, and to those who know the usual outcome of such a severe accident, "a miracle has already happened". Lydia is alive. Her life was spared. As we wait now, we are waiting for her restoration - for the unknown beauty that her transformation will bring. A lot has been happening in our hearts, to open us up to new ideas of beauty, found in different ways and at different speeds than what we are accustomed to.
From day 3 of the accident, one verse that has consistently been on my heart, is Philippians 1:6 ..being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. We trust God to carry on the good work He started in Lydia when she was created, and carry it on to completion until her time on earth is finished.