Stay strong Lydia!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13
We enjoyed some time off in between school and therapy this morning, to go for a walk in the spiral gardens at Holland Bloorview. Lydia wasn't just pushed in her wheel chair for the walk, she got up and did some walking with assistance. Her strength and balance are returning.
At the end of a full week, she is tired. She has worked hard in therapy and school. We will do a lot of resting at home this weekend. Home is quiet, compared to the constant paging and buzzing noises in the hospital. Home is peaceful. Holland Bloorview is a busy paediatric hospital with many inpatients, outpatients, doctors, therapists, nurses and facilities staff. Home is a wonderful place to be together again.
May you find moments of rest, peace and quiet in your homes this weekend.